Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Power To The Pinoy: It’s About You, Not Your Stuff, Silly.

By Lalaine Chu-Benitez

Aren’t you just exhausted, dahling?  Oh, it is sooo so tiring to live in this fabulous city.  After all, it takes supreme effort to keep up stride with all the slim, fashion forward, rich and fabulous Joneses of this town, n'est ce pas

Shy? Modest?  No space for you here, I’m afraid.  This place is not for the wallflower, or even for the low-credit-card-limit-clueless carrying the last two seasons’ ‘it’ bag. Don’t you know that your collection of designer duds needs a regular update?  Dahling, you gotta have the bag, the watch, the shoes, the car, and of course, the holiday.  Because if you don’t - horrors of horrors!  -what have you got to share with all your Facebook and Instagram “friends”?! 

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